
Girl tossing her hair at the beach during a bright and sunny day.
Senior Basketball player sitting in the Sandusky High School gym with his towel around him. Dramatic lighting and smoke is being used.
Girl in a blue dress looking back while standing in a field.
Captured in Sandusky, Oh.
Intense and fearless, this football athlete in the weight room. A powerful, cinematic sports portrait.
A high school band member with dramatic smoke effects behind her as she plays her instrument.
Captured in Sandusky, Oh.
Softball girl throwing up dirt on the baseball field.
High school basketball player.
This senior portrait showcases a girl in her bold country style.
Senior Basketball player sitting in the Sandusky High School gym spinning the basketball. Dramatic lighting and smoke is being used.
Senior girl in the fall looking through a fence in a bright colored red sweater.
A senior guy standing by his white truck smiling with confidence in Sandusky Ohio.
Guy squats in the middle of the road, Sandusky, Oh.
Football senior quarterback and his little brother on the field with a storm behind them A powerful sports portrait captured in Clyde, Ohio.